Dedicated to Excellence

We strive to deliver High Quality, Consistent Care.

Our Services

Our Easy & Simple Client Process

The path to restoring/ improving your current status is just a phone call away. Give us a call today and see why so many of our clients enjoy utilizing our services and telling their friends and family.

Step One


Call us today and explain what your needs/wants are.

Step Two


We will assist you by tailoring what you informed us about and setting up a time to begin receiving your services.

Step Three


Come into our Welcoming Office and check in.  We'll walk you through the process from start to finish.

Who We Are

A Team of Well Qualified & Attentive Professionals who believe in High Standards of Wellness.

We believe in Professional & Progressive Outpatient Care for all our clients. DAT NGUYEN MD INC is an integrative, multi-specialty psychiatry practice that’s delivers high-quality, comprehensive care to the community. Our team of providers strive to help individuals heal, energize and become aware of their strengths and potential.

Please, Don't Hesitate.

Our offices are filled with highly qualified experts in their respective fields and are ready to begin.

We work quickly and with discretion regarding the handling of all your agreed services. Your satisfaction is a high priority for us.



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